Tuitions starting April 2023~


Private Lessons Tuitions

Performance & Theory


Weekly Beginner and Intermediate Students

 Piano / Flute / Saxophone

start $45 for 30min

add $20 per 15 min


Weekly Advanced Students

Piano/ Flute/ Saxophone

Oboe & English horn (with reed making, adjustment  instructions)

 Start $75 for 45min

 add $25 per 15min


Non Weekly Advanced Students 

all instruments 

 start $75 for 45 min

 add $25 per 15min


Group Lessons Tuitions

 for All Instrument and All Levels


$15 / Hour for each person more than 6 members

$40 / Hour for each person ( Trio- Quartet /3-5members of group )

$50 / Hour for Duo for each person



First Time Studio Enroll Agreement Fee 

*after 5 weeks of break except summer break, please re-enroll studio) 

 $55 / Family


Annual CM Conference / Preparations Fee 

3x Theory practice tests, Grading, Pre recording & Scales materials

to use for CM Test @studio 

 $55 / Per Student